Build Your First Computer Vision Project

Build Your First Computer Vision Project

Have you ever wanted to play ping pong but didn't have a partner? Well, with a bit of coding and computer vision, you can create a solo ping-pong game that lets you play against yourself!

In this blog post, I'll guide you step-by-step on how to make this game using Python, OpenCV, and a hand-detection module.

SoloPong Demo

To see the solo ping pong game in action, check out the demo video below. Watch as I play the game using hand gestures detected by the webcam.

GitHub -

What You'll Need

  1. Python installed on your computer

  2. A webcam

  3. Some image assets for the game (ball, bats, background, and game over screen) from the GitHub repository

Writing Down the Code

  1. Importing Libraries and Setting Up the Camera

     import numpy as np
     import cv2 as cv
     import cvzone
     from cvzone.HandTrackingModule import HandDetector
     cap = cv.VideoCapture(0)
     cap.set(3, 1280)
     cap.set(4, 720)

    We start by importing the necessary libraries. We use OpenCV (cv) for image processing, cvzone for hand detection, and NumPy (np) for numerical operations. We then set up the webcam with a resolution of 1280x720.

  2. Loading Image Assets

     imgBg = cv.imread("assets/bg.png")
     imgGO = cv.imread("assets/gameover.png")
     imgBall = cv.imread("assets/ball.png", cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
     imgBat1 = cv.imread("assets/bat1.png", cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
     imgBat2 = cv.imread("assets/bat2.png", cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

    We load the images for the background, game over screen, ball, and bats. Make sure you have these images in the assets folder.

  3. Setting Up the Hand Detector

     detector = HandDetector(detectionCon=0.8, maxHands=2)

    We initialize the hand detector with a detection confidence of 0.8 and allow it to detect up to 2 hands.

  4. Initializing Game Variables

     ballPos = [100, 100]
     speedX = 25
     speedY = 25
     gameOver = False
     score = [0, 0]

    We set the initial position of the ball and its speed. We also initialize the game over flag and the score.

  5. Main Game Loop

     while True:
         _, img =
         img = cv.flip(img, 1)
         imgRaw = img.copy()

    We enter the main game loop, read the frame from the webcam, and flip it horizontally for a mirror effect. We also make a copy of the original frame.

  6. Hand Detection and Overlaying Bats

     hands, img = detector.findHands(img, flipType=False)
     img = cv.addWeighted(img, 0.1, imgBg, 0.9, 0)
     if hands:
         for hand in hands:
             x, y, w, h = hand["bbox"]
             h1, w1, _ = imgBat1.shape
             y1 = y - h1 // 2
             y1 = np.clip(y1, 20, 415)
             if hand["type"] == "Left":
                 img = cvzone.overlayPNG(img, imgBat1, (59, y1))
                 if 59 < ballPos[0] < 59 + w1 and y1 < ballPos[1] < y1 + h1:
                     speedX = -speedX
                     ballPos[0] += 30
                     score[0] += 1
             if hand["type"] == "Right":
                 img = cvzone.overlayPNG(img, imgBat2, (1195, y1))
                 if 1195 - 50 < ballPos[0] < 1195 and y1 < ballPos[1] < y1 + h1:
                     speedX = -speedX
                     ballPos[0] -= 30
                     score[1] += 1

    We detect hands in the frame and overlay the bats based on the hand positions. If the ball hits a bat, its direction changes, and the score is updated.

  7. Ball Movement and Collision Detection

     if ballPos[0] < 40 or ballPos[0] > 1200:
         gameOver = True
     if gameOver:
         img = imgGO
             str(score[1] + score[0]).zfill(2),
             (585, 360),
             (200, 0, 200),
         if ballPos[1] >= 500 or ballPos[1] <= 10:
             speedY = -speedY
         ballPos[0] += speedX
         ballPos[1] += speedY
         img = cvzone.overlayPNG(img, imgBall, ballPos)
             (300, 650),
             (255, 255, 255),
             (900, 650),
             (255, 255, 255),

    We update the ball's position and check for collisions with the screen edges. If the ball goes out of bounds, the game is over. Otherwise, we continue updating the ball's position and overlay it on the frame.

  8. Displaying the Game

     img[580:700, 20:233] = cv.resize(imgRaw, (213, 120))
     cv.imshow("Image", img)
     key = cv.waitKey(1)
     if key == ord("r"):
         ballPos = [100, 100]
         speedX = 25
         speedY = 25
         gameOver = False
         score = [0, 0]
         imgGO = cv.imread("assets/gameover.png")

    We display the game frame and handle the "R" key press to reset the game.

Thank you for following along! Have fun building and playing your own solo ping pong game. If you have any questions or run into issues, feel free to leave a comment below.

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